Bulldog Haven NW


Applicant Dog / Breed Preferences
I am interested in a specific dog:
Dog Name(s):
I am interested in the following breed(s): (Check all that apply.)

Note: English Mix includes Olde English Bulldogges

Applicant Contact Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Co-Applicant First Name:
Co-Applicant Last Name:
Co-Applicant Age:
Residence Address: (NOT a P.O. Box)
City: State: Zip Code:
Home Phone: (XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Cell Phone: (XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Email Address:
Years at Residence:
Distance willing to travel to adopt:
What large city is nearest to your home, or in what area of your state do you live?
(Example: Seattle, Bellingham, Puyallup, Eastern WA, Central WA, etc)

Adoption Expectations
Why do you want to adopt a bulldog?
What age bulldog are you willing to accept? **We do not often get puppies in rescue.**

Must the bulldog be good with children?
Must the bulldog get along with other dogs in your household and/or with visiting dogs?
Are you willing to accept a bulldog needing additional care?
If yes, which level of care are you comfortable providing?

Note: Each and every Bulldog requires daily care.

Employment Information - Applicant
Work Address:
Work Phone: (XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Duration of employment:

Employment Information - Co-Applicant
Work Address:
Work Phone: (XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Duration of employment:

Household Members
List all household members other than the Applicants (Name, Age, and Relationship):
Do children visit your home?:
If yes, give ages and frequency.
Are you willing to supervise the Bulldog at all times with children under the age of 10?
Who will be responsible for caring for the Bulldog?
Is anyone in the household allergic to dogs?
Are all members of the household in favor of adopting a Bulldog?

Dwelling Information
Type (e.g., House, Apartment, Condo, Mobile Home):
If renting,
Landlord Name:

Landlord Phone: (XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Note: If you rent, the landlord contact information is required. We must contact your landlord to verify that you are allowed to have pets.
Do you have a fully enclosed fenced yard? (Note: Invisible fences are considered "no fence."):
If yes,
Fence Type:

Fence Height:
How will the dog be exercised, how often, and who will supervise the dog while outdoors?
Does your home have stairs that the Bulldog will have to go up and down?
If yes, describe (e.g. length of stairs, steepness, open or closed tread, side walls, etc.).
Do you have a swimming pool, pond (including ornamental ponds), in-ground hot tub, lake, river, or any other body of water in or near your residence?
If yes, is the pool, pond, hot tub, lake, or river securely fenced off from the rest of the yard?
Is your home air-conditioned?
If yes, type:
Is your car air-conditioned?
Where will the Bulldog be kept during the day?
Where will the Bulldog be kept during the night?

Lifestyle and Household Information
What five words best describe your family?
Please describe any changes you expect in your household in the next few years; e.g. new children, job changes, moving, etc.
How soon will you be ready to adopt a Bulldog?
Note: 6 months or more please submit later.

Are any family members at home during the day time?

Daily hours dog is alone?
Explain care plan if not home all day:
Are you involved in any pet store, commercial dog breeding operation, or buying dogs for resale?
Have you ever been convicted of cruelty to animals?
Have you ever been suspended from a purebred dog association?

Other Pet Information (Current and Past)
Have you ever owned a Bulldog?
If yes, what type and how long?
Do you currently own any dogs?
Do you currently own any cats?
Please list all pets (dogs, cats and others) that live in your household now or did live in your household in the past 5 years. If you have more pets to list, please describe in Comments. Type/Breed: Age: Gender: Spayed/ Neutered? Where is it now?
Have you ever given a pet to a rescue organization or animal shelter?
If yes, describe the circumstances.
Have you ever had a dog that has bitten someone?
If yes, explain.
Do all your current pets get along well with other animals?
If no, explain.
Do all your pets receive regular veterinary care and are they up-to-date on vaccinations?
What flea and heartworm preventative do you use?
If you have adopted a rescue before, provide details:
Veterinary Clinic Name:
Veterinarian Name:
Have you asked about their experience with Bulldogs/Frenchies?
Describe vet experience:

Pet Care Philosophy
Are you willing to work with the rescued Bulldog to resolve problem behaviors? (e.g., chewing, pulling on lead, barking)
What type of behavior in a dog would make you not want to adopt him or her?
How will you correct behavior problems?
Do you understand that rescued Bulldogs may have house-training problems, especially at first?
Are you familiar with common Bulldog health problems and maintenance?
How much do you expect to pay PER YEAR to take care of a Bulldog?
Who will care for the Bulldog during vacations or overnight trips?
Can someone in the household provide daily care when the primary caregiver is away?
Do you have an emergency plan to provide care for your pets if you have to leave town suddenly?
If yes, describe.
What do you feel is the proper use of crates or cages?

Can all household members travel to meet the prospective adoptee?
Are you willing to take responsibility for the Bulldog for its lifetime?
Do you agree to having a rescue volunteer inspect your home before and/or after an adoption is completed?
Any and all dogs adopted from our organization will be spayed or neutered prior to placement. Do you have questions or reservations about this requirement?
If Yes, explain:

List the names and telephone numbers of two people NOT in your household, who can verify your ability to care for a rescue Bulldog.
Why would you be a good adopter?
Additional Comments:

I understand that dogs placed by Bulldog Haven NW have been acquired, fed and boarded; have received necessary medical care and vaccinations; and have been tested to be free of contagious disease at the expense of Bulldog Haven NW and/or its volunteers, who receive financial reimbursement for expenses only through donations and adoption fees. I understand that I will be asked to give a donation or pay an adoption fee to Bulldog Haven NW that helps with costs such as spaying/neutering, medications and veterinary care of current and/or future Bulldogs who enter our rescue program.

I have answered all the above questions to the best of my knowledge and truthfully . I have read all prior information required on the website prior to getting to this application. I understand that information and agree to abide by its terms should a Bulldog be available for placement in my home. I understand that if, for any reason, I can no longer care for or keep the dog, I must return it directly to a Bulldog Haven NW member, and I will sign all necessary paperwork for the surrender of that dog.

Adoption fees are based on the individual dog's age, health, temperament and rehabilitation requirements.

I hereby submit this application to Bulldog Haven NW to have my name added to a waiting list to be considered as a permanent home for a rescued Bulldog. I do understand that my application may not be acknowledged unless or until I am being considered to adopt a particular Bulldog and that it may be important for me to be available for an interview by phone or in-person on short notice.

In checking this box I agree to all terms and conditions that apply to this application.

By checking this box you agree to all the conditions that apply to this application.